Monday, March 10, 2008

Hiking We Ago............

So today at the group home, I had a special guest speaker come in. Kandice Carter, she's 18, running for Miss Orem and has had a really rough year. She spoke to the girls about how she's suffered from a number of different mental issues and has tried to commit suicide twice in the last year. She told of how she finally had to just deal with the fact that no one was going to be able to help her, other than herself. She told of how she had really low self-esteem and that she dated a guy that only made her feel worthless. She was really amazing to listen to. She did a great job speaking with the girls and explaining what her platform for Miss Orem is all about. So after hearing this wonderful speaker, we had dinner and I then took them to the Provo Trail and made them hike 7 miles. It was AWESOME, cold but AWESOME!! I wore them out! We came home made some cinnamon toast and hot chocolate (I actually made hot chocolate from scratch) and then put them to bed. I have to say that this was the best day I've had at the group home.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Did you get any feedback from the girls? Are you going to get any particapation in the next outing you plan?