Friday, January 18, 2008

Dahl.....My Ode to DAHL!!!

So I haven't been feeling very well this last week, hence the whine in every comment that I make. I've picked up this nasty head cold/sinus infection. And its decided to camp out in my ears. I really just can't hear anymore. So last night I had come to my breaking point. You know that point where you just don't have the patience to handle anything anymore. I usually need a brownie when this happens. Last night was no different, I needed my brownie. So I went to the store, cuz heaven forbid I make a brownie myself, and I'm thinking all the way there of what kind of brownie I'm going to get. I could have my all time favorite mint or I could have my Dad's favorite, German Chocolate or I could have Tara's favorite, Cream Cheese. ALL of these are excellent choices. So I went to the bakery to pick, maybe I'd take one of each and be good for the weekend. So I'm searching and searching and searching, I can't find any brownies. So I start talking to myself, "They can't really be out of brownies, this just doesn't happen. No Brownies?? What is going on?? A Brownie Shortage?? I've never heard of this before!!". So yeah, I start to get the wild eye, the world has come to an end look on my face. We're in panic mode. So I buy my apple cider run a few more errands and then come home and call Dahl. He's nice enough to stop playing Call of Duty (what are they on now 4?) and come over and give me a blessing. So here's my ode to Dahl, He Rocks!! I've vowed to stop pulling on his beard until he shaves the ugly thing off. I promise to stop telling large groups of people that he is the Original Hairy Bum. I'll stop encouraging small children to kick him as a sign of affection. And I'll even stop giving him pamphlets on what he can do about hair replacement. I love Dahl.

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